miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

My favourite band

If I had to pick a music band right know and name it my favourite one, I would definitively pick Soda Stereo, an Argentine band of mostly the eighties and also the nineties. When I was around six years old, my sister and I used to go every weekend to my aunt's house to spend our afternoons seing movies like Mary Poppins (which my aunt never got tired of seing it), playing card games and listening Soda Stereo. I remember this particular afternoon that we spent it listening to all soda stereo's songs because my aunt, who was a big fan of the band at the time, just had bought for herself tickets to see the band live, so she was very excited. That's the first remember I have of ever listening to them. As I grew up, I started listening pop bands like Britney Spears or The Hansons, and so I forgot about Soda. Then, when I was about fifteen years old, a very close friend started to listen their music, so because of that I started to remember the songs and from then on I never stopped listening and enjoying their music.
I think I like the band so much because it's music remembers me a lot of good moments in my life. Soda just never gets old, they splitted on 1997 and I can still hear some of their songs on the radio, and that's because they were a great band, it's a fact! They had a huge impact on Chile, and others countries of Latino America, and you can prove that because if you ask anyone about them they will tell you that they know at least one of their songs.
Well, that's all for today, hope you read me!