miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A healthy life-style, is it possible? How?

Well, in my opinion a healthy life-style it’s one hundred percent possible, and I recommend it. For all the people that don’t do anything at all, you don’t know what you’re missing! I know that it’s difficult to take the time to go swimming, or to play tennis especially after work or college. I come back home every day at six o’clock and I never have the energy to go out to swim and I’m , but I go anyway, even if I don’t want to because I know that having a healthy life style is good for me. Life shouldn’t be all about work and studies, all that stuff leads to stress and that’s not good at all.
I read an article like three years ago that said that in Chile street joggers were increasing every year, and I can totally see it now. Every night when I go back home from the swimming pool I see people of all ages running in the streets. I would probably do it myself, but I come back home too tired. But anyway, I think it’s amazing. Running in the streets it’s a good option for all the people that don’t have the money to pay for a gym, or a sport club, and don’t have the time either. To go out and run is simple, cheap, it doesn’t take a lot of time and it’s a small change for the people that don’t do any kind of sports.
Another part of the healthy life style is eating a healthy diet. We have to eat more fruits, vegetables, change our salad dressing and not junky food. So doing sports and having a good diet are the things we got to do to have a healthy life style.
A healthy life-style is not only about getting in shape and weight loss, it’s about having a healthy heart that can assure you a long and healthy life ahead, and more important it’s about feeling good with yourself. Not all people know that making exercise raise the endorphins, and endorphins makes you happy. And if you’re happy, the people around will feel that good energy.

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