martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

My trip to Argentina

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my first trip abroad.
My first trip abroad was about 9 years ago, when I was 12 years old. I went to Mendoza, Argentina for a swimming competition with all my friends from the swimming club and some coaches. That was my first trip outside the country by myself, and I remember being a little scared of going! The trip lasted three days, and we were supposed to stay with Argentinian families, but I was not a big fan of staying with strange people and all alone. First I didn't want to go, but all my friends were going and my sister who also went to a trip like that when she was my age, told me that I was going to have a great time, and if I didn't go I was going to regret it, so she convinced me and I went. And now I must say that she was right. That trip was my first opportunity to experience a new culture, and I had a lot of fun! We had to be in the pool only the time we were competing so we really had a lot of free time to do whatever we wanted. And I was lucky, because the family that hosted me was great, they made me feel really good at their home, and they took me everywhere in Mendoza (parks, malls, etc).
Even though I loved the city, and all of the people that I met, I have to say that people there drove like road signals were non-existent! So getting into a car in Mendonza was really a near death experience.
I haven’t return since then to Argentina but I would love to! And I really recommend it, so if you ever go let me know if you like it too.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Carola,

    Very good text, I liked it, thanks for sharing your experience.

    My sister went ON a trip like that...
    I haven't returned to Argentina since then...
